Portuguese Citizenship by marriage



  • @Destefano , thanks. For me, thats not a problem, because I see everything automatically translated into english by Chrome....Unfortunately, my response doesnt get automatically translated into Portuguese when I post ( I wonder if Chrome has that feature...got to investigate

  • @Destefano

    Com toda a justiça, como novito neste fórum, também acreditei que escrever em inglês seria aceitável, já que a maioria das pessoas teria os browsers com "add-on" tradução ativados.

  • @DKU , a suggestion: instead of using Google Translate, you should use ChatGPT (the free version is enough). It's a much better translator, and can also understand the context of what you're trying to say and help you to write it. You can even explain to it what you want to express and it will erite the sentence(s) for you. For example, I just wrote this into ChatGPT:

    "Please write a short text explaining to someone called "DKU" that using ChatGPT (even the free version) to communicate in a portuguese-speaking forum (DKU speaks only english) is way better than using Google Translator. Include in the explanation the way ChatGPT can understand the context of what is being said and the better translation capabilities it has. Also, explain that he can even tell ChatGPT what he wants to say in his own words, and ChatGPT will write the text for him. Finally, explain that he can paste back the portuguese replies and ChatGPT will translate them into english"

    And he gave me the following text as a response:

    "Hey DKU,

    Using ChatGPT in a Portuguese-speaking forum, even the free version, is a smart move compared to relying solely on Google Translator. Here's why:

    1. Understanding Context: ChatGPT has a remarkable ability to understand the context of conversations. Unlike traditional translation tools that might struggle with nuances and idiomatic expressions, ChatGPT can grasp the meaning behind the words, leading to more accurate translations.
    2. Better Translation Capabilities: ChatGPT's translation capabilities are top-notch. It can provide more natural and fluent translations compared to other machine translation services. This means your messages will come across more clearly and authentically to Portuguese speakers.
    3. Express Yourself Freely: With ChatGPT, you're not limited to preset phrases or templates. You can express yourself in your own words, and ChatGPT will help you craft your message accurately in Portuguese.
    4. Effortless Translation: Once you receive replies in Portuguese, you can simply paste them back into ChatGPT, and it will translate them seamlessly into English for you. This makes communication in a Portuguese-speaking forum a breeze, even if you're not fluent in the language.

    So, give ChatGPT a try! It's a valuable tool that can enhance your communication experience in the forum and help you connect more effectively with Portuguese speakers."

  • @andrelas Thanks for the suggestion. Will have to try it

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