child birth abroad

malikmalik Member


me and my are naturalised portuguese,at the moment i am in uk for work purpose and my wife is in pakistan,we are expecting our child in october.i know being a portuguese citizens our child will be portuguese but due to corona situation we are not sure when she will be able to travel to portugal.

if my wife deliver baby in pakistan then will portuguese embassy issue certidao de nascimento straight away after visiting to embassy or embassy will send documents to portugal for birth registration how long birth registration takes?

kind regards



  • malikmalik Member

    so many educated persons and no reply.amazing

  • @malik , I think if your wife goes to embassy, they will issue the birth registrations. There's no sense to send to Portugal!

    Maybe she can call the embassy and ask what to do!

  • editado June 2020

    @malik, please, understand that most people in this fórum are Brazilians, and they understand the proceedings when it relates to BR & PT. There are specific international treaties between the two countries, given their ties for the last 500 years. It goes beyond just the language.

    I believe you would prefer not to receive a wrong answer that could be misleading and guide you to a wrong path. We don't know, we keep silent. Sorry.

    Your situation is unique for most people here. Language barriers, multiple citizenships, and involve people physically in different countries.

    My straight answer would be: Sorry, I don't know.

  • editado June 2020

    @Pessoal..peço q as dúvidas sejam colocadas em LÍNGUA PORTUGUESA ..para outras pessoas obterem as informações. O Interessado q não souber a lingua portuguesa , q use o google tradutor para dirimir suas dúvidas.

  • OK.

    malik, por favor, entenda que a maioria das pessoas neste fórum é brasileira e entende os procedimentos quando se trata da BR & PT. Existem tratados internacionais específicos entre os dois países, dados seus vínculos nos últimos 500 anos. Vai além da linguagem.

    Acredito que você prefere não receber uma resposta errada que possa ser enganosa e guiá-lo para um caminho errado. Nós não sabemos, ficamos em silêncio. Desculpe.

    Sua situação é única para a maioria das pessoas aqui. Barreiras linguísticas, múltiplas cidadanias e envolvem pessoas fisicamente em diferentes países.

    Minha resposta direta seria: Desculpe, não sei.

  • malikmalik Member


    thanks a lot all of you guys for help.i know a child born to portuguese parents will be portuguese no matter where he born.why i asked about sending documents to portugal for birth registration is that i can see in this forum that lots of you guys send documents to portugal for registration so i thought may be i also need to send it.

    i have been following this forum from many years and got lot of help from moderator Mercia,i dont know she still is part of forum or not.

    kind regards

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